это.. это прекрасно..
приписка автора: «They stood before the massive one way window looking into the blindingly white room. Inside laid the the russian boy, Chekov, tearing out his hair, ripping his skin off with his nails, vomiting and convulsing from the serum that doctor McCoy had pumped into his frail body.
"Can external stimulus still be used, doctor?" Spock's hot breath fogged up the glass.
"I haven't gotten to study long term effects or if external stimulus would cause permanent brain damage." He said motioning the boy who screamed and writhed on the floor, rolling in his blood and vomit.
A manic grin spread over the doctors normally glum face. "But this.... this is beautiful. It's my best serum if i do say so myself."
Kirk crossed his arms over his chest and grinned at the nude Chekov going absolutely insane inside the agony chamber.»(с)
просто... у меня мурашки восторга по телу бегают!
совершенно иная реальность. возможно параллельная.
больше всего МакКой доставляет. маньяк, натуральный маньяк.
а Скотти-киборг?
Вааааа! я бы с удовольствием почитал такое. просто в захлеб...